
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Freidus, Alexandra and Erica Turner. Forthcoming. “Contested Justice: New York City’s COVID-19 School Reopening Debates.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

Freidus, Alexandra. 2022. “Segregation, Diversity, and Pathology: Constructing School Quality in Gentrifying New York.” Educational Policy 36(4).

Freidus, Alexandra. 2021. “Looking Smart: Race and Ability in a Diversifying Middle School.” Anthropology and Education Quarterly 53(2). DOI:

Freidus, Alexandra. 2021. “Problem Children and Children with Problems: Discipline and Innocence in a Gentrifying Elementary School.” Harvard Educational Review 90(4): 550-572.

Freidus, Alexandra. 2020. “Modes of Belonging: Debating School Demographics in Gentrifying New York.” American Educational Research Journal 57(2): 808-839.

Freidus, Alexandra. 2020. “’I Didn’t Have a Lesson’: Politics and Pedagogy in a Diversifying Middle School.” Teachers College Record 122(7).

Freidus, Alexandra. 2019. “‘A Great School Benefits Us All’: Advantaged Parents and the Gentrification of an Urban Public School.” Urban Education 54(8): 1121-1128.

Freidus, Alexandra and Pedro Noguera. 2015. “From ‘Good Will’ to ‘Anachronism’: School Desegregation in an Era of Shifting Demographics, Racial Discourse, and Conceptions of the Public Good.” Humanity and Society 39 (3): 1-25.

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invited works

Freidus, Alexandra, Rachel Fish, and Erica Turner. “Risk, Protection, and Vulnerability: Pandemic Discourses about the Schooling of Disabled Children in New York City.” In How to Be Disabled in a Pandemic, edited by Mara Mills, Rayna Rapp, and Faye Ginsburg. New York University Press. Forthcoming.

Freidus, Alexandra and Eve Ewing. 2022. “Introduction to Special Issue: Good Schools, Bad Schools: Race, School Quality, and Neoliberal Educational Policy.” Educational Policy 36(4).

Freidus, Alexandra and Pedro Noguera. 2017. “Making Difference Matter: Teaching and Learning in Desegregated Classrooms.” The Teacher Educator 52 (2): 99-113.

public scholarship

Freidus, Alexandra. 2021. “Lockdown.” In Lowenhaupt, R. and Theoharris, G. (Eds.), Parenting in the Pandemic: The Collision of School, Work, and Life at Home A Collection of Essays. Information Age Publishing.

Freidus, Alexandra. March 17, 2021. “Race and School Discipline in the COVID Era.” Voices in Education: The Blog of Harvard Education Publishing.

Freidus, Alexandra. January 31, 2018. “The election, one year later: Life goes on at an East Coast middle school.” Teaching Tolerance Magazine.

Freidus, Alexandra. 2017. “Who are the ‘diversity in admissions’ pilot schools?” Spotlight on NYC Schools. New York: Research Alliance for New York City Schools, New York University.

Freidus, Alexandra and Pedro Noguera. August 22, 2017. “False evidence against principal.” Education Week.

If you do not have access to these journals, please contact me directly for a PDF or review the preprints available though EdArXiv.



Journal Articles